Car park ceiling with electrode sensors installed


Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete Structures

This book is for specialist contractors, large consultants and owners of corrosion damaged structures, and looks at international experience with this technique.

Cathodic protection of reinforced concrete structures is a technique for rescuing corrosion damaged structures and, in certain instances, preventing them from corroding in the first place, and its use is growing.

This book by Paul Chess is for specialist contractors, large consultants and owners of corrosion damaged structures, and looks at international experience with this technique. It examines why corrosion is occurring, the differences in the application of CP with the stark dichotomy in its success and failure, and finally ways in which its performance can be improved on future installations. Information is valuable, as the success or failure of the CP system has a marked effect on the service life of the structure.

For more information or to purchase this book, please follow this link.

Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete Structures

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