A combination reference electrode for corrosion monitoring; a silver/silver chloride/0.5M KCl reference electrode with mixed metal oxide (MMO) coated titanium outer tube.
Some specifications require the use of combination reference electrodes for corrosion monitoring. These are usually reference electrodes with a mixed metal oxide (MMO) coated titanium outer tube.
The MMO titanium tube is effectively a backup pseudo reference electrode in the unlikely event that the main electrode fails and can also be used for current measurement.
Reference electrode type:
LD15 silver/silver chloride/0.5M KCl and mixed metal oxide (MMO) coated titanium
-15mV (+/- 10mV) wrt saturated calomel electrode (SCE) at 200C for the LD15 reference electrode
+/- 3mV over a 24 hour period
+/- 10mV over 20 years
Design Life:
30 years for the LD15 reference electrode
100 years for the MMO Titanium
Silver element:
1.2g 99.99% purity
Housing type:
Nylatron tube and inserts for the LD15 unit
Junction Type:
Cementitious >175mm2
Approx . 20mm x 110mm
Cable type:
Twin core 0.75mm2 PVC/PVC white outer with blue for the LD15 reference electrode and yellow for the MMO titanium tube
Quality Control:
Calibrated under laboratory conditions
Unique identification numbers
Calibration certificates for each contract