Car park ceiling with electrode sensors installed


MMO Reference Electrode Datasheet

Datasheet for the Castle Electrodes MMO Reference Electrode.

These are pseudo reference electrodes which can be used to monitor cathodic protection systems but the potential is dependent on oxygen and pH in the concrete. Calibration certificates cannot be provided for these electrodes.

Element Type:

High purity titanium ASTM B348 Grade 1 with mixed metal oxide iridium based coatings


Variable depending on the environment and pH dependent.


Less than 3mV in 24 hours


75mm long x 6.35mm diameter

Measuring interface >850mm2

Expected Life:

More than 100 years. The function life of the electrode will most likely be determined by the life of the associated cables.


  • 2.5mm2 XLPE/XLPE
  • 2.5mm2 XLPE/PVC
MMO Reference Electrode Datasheet

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